Hampton Heath path clearance 01-07-23

Path clearance

Saturday 08 July 2023
10:00 to 12:00

This week, the focus remains on path clearance:

  • Paths - Continuing to tackle the spreading bramble, and where we can, coarse grasses too.
  • Litter - New littering remains fairly low (unless it’s just hidden in the undergrowth), but there’s always some, and the surrounding streets are as bad as ever.
  • Wildlife recording - always a great excuse to get outside and into nature... totally relaxing AND essential to building the picture of nature in the Borough - over 520 species are now recorded on site. All the records can be found here
  • Informal wooden seats and signs… on the back burner, but we really should make a start.

WHEN: From 10am SATURDAY (8th July) until around midday.

WHERE: Meet at the goalpost, rear of David Lloyd. Over to David Lloyd for free tea/coffee or cold drinks at around 12.

WHO: Anyone and everyone. As always, please bring some protective gloves, sensible footwear, drinking water, sunscreen etc. and children must be accompanied.

WHAT: We provide litter-pickers/bags as always, and as many tools as I can barrow, but if you have your own secateurs, loppers, strimmer or trimmer (battery), please do bring them along.

Don’t forget, you can subscribe to the Hampton Heath Friends calendar for up to date information in your Outlook or Calendar app. and we have further information here on our website.

Hope to see you on SATURDAY!

Contact Art Gelling
[email protected]
Rear of David Lloyd, Hampton,
Staines Road
Hampton Hill
(view map)