Hampton Heath - Y-Glasses_2024-03-17

Spring Season tasks!

Saturday 23 March 2024
10:00 to 12:00

This weekend… WORKING GROUP SATURDAY 23rd March 10AM


Tools will be brought to site by DH (thanks D!)


This week (depending on numbers) we can look at:


  • Grassland mosaic cutting: We have pretty much reached our goal to cut, rake and remove 50% of our precious “Lowland Acid Grassland” (LAG) habitat - but exceeding it, and/or re-raking cut areas will be even better! - giving those all-important niches for wildflower seedlings to grow - and we are hoping for new reintroductions, such as Wild Carrot and Red Bartsia this year!
  • Bramble Reduction: With bird-nesting season proper, the emphasis needs to be on taking back last year’s straggly, trailing stems along the edges of patches, and alongside paths - to prevent spread. Where these take root, the root can (ideally) be pulled or dug out to prevent spread. Any final work to open up visibility along the Tennis Court Path towards David Lloyd to proceed with caution - though nests very close to the path are unlikely, they are possible.
  • Litter-picking: As always!
  • Practice Range Pond - Grassland: Finishing the strim, rake and remove in the grassland areas - cut as low as possible remove as much as possible!
  • Practice Range Pond - Coppicing: Last year we made a good start on achieving a more balanced age-structure to the willows, and opening up the pond margins to some sunlight. This year (after first checking trees and shrubs for nesting birds) it should be possible to coppice one or two more of the mid-sized willows. Those volunteers involved last year or with conservation experience would be best leading on this… Remember, everyone volunteers entirely at their own risk, and when it comes to tree works, we only do “light” work: coppicing (cutting near ground level) “manageable-sized” stems, and “thinning” and “lifting” the tree crowns to allow in more light. The banks down to the pond itself are steep and the water is a safety issue, especially to anyone with impaired mobility or balance… so at the risk of sounding like “your mum”:
    • strictly no solo working
    • strictly no risky “reaching out” across the water
    • and strictly no felling of large trunks or limbs which could cause injury when falling, or starting a cut which can’t be finished!


WHEN: From 10am SATURDAY 23rd MARCH until around midday. Over to David Lloyd for free tea/coffee at around 12.


WHERE: Meet at the goalpost, rear of David Lloyd as usual.  Map


WHO: Anyone and everyone is welcome. As always, please bring your own protective gloves, sensible footwear, drinking water etc. and under 18s must be accompanied.


WHAT: We can provide litter-pickers/bags, hedge trimmer, strimmer, rakes - but the brush cutter is out of action, due to a missing bolt. If you have your own secateurs, rake, strimmer or hedge-trimmer(battery), please do bring them along.

Contact Art Gelling
[email protected]
Hampton Heath - rear of David Lloyd, Hampton.
Hampton Hill
(view map)